
About us

St. Michael’s is a congregation of the Diocese of Albany in the Episcopal Church, a province of the worldwide Anglican Communion and a part of Christ’s one holy catholic and apostolic Church. Jeremiah Williamson is our bishop.

As Episcopalians, we understand that our congregation does not exist on its own. We are joined to Jesus Christ in unity with his apostolic Church, of which our diocese is a part, and our bishop is the symbol.

Weekly worship

We meet every Sunday morning at 9 am to hear the Scriptures, sing, pray together, and receive Holy Communion. Our worship follows the Book of Common Prayer. Its prayers and rites have ancient roots, connecting us with the faith and worship of Christians through the ages, and giving us a pattern for worship “in the beauty of holiness.” Worshippers tend to dress casually and children are both seen and heard. All baptized Christians are invited to partake of the sacrament, including children (at parents’ discretion).

Daily prayer

Father Schellhase prays the Daily Office, which features Psalms, scripture readings, and prayers, weekdays at 8:30 am in church. Any who wish are welcome to participate. St. Michael’s also publishes a weekly list of prayer requests. Contact the church office if you would like us to pray for you.

Study and fellowship

Bible study—We meet on Wednesdays at 6 pm to share a meal and learn together. Past study topics have included:

  • The Gospel according to Matthew
  • Anglican Poets
  • Genesis (the first 25 chapters)
  • The Letter to the Hebrews
  • Letters to Malcolm by C.S. Lewis
  • The Parables of Jesus

What we believe

We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired and infallible word of God. They reveal Jesus Christ, show us the way of salvation, and guide us in all areas of faith and life.

God created human beings in his own image, for communion with him. Our sinfulness separates us from God, but his love and mercy are stronger than our sin. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, gave himself as a complete and perfect sacrifice for our sins, and rose from the dead so that we could be raised to new life through union with him. God’s Holy Spirit makes this a reality for every baptized Christian believer, transforming the way we think, feel, and live by his indwelling influence.

The teachings of our church are summed up in the Book of Common Prayer, the historic Creeds of the Church, and the Catechism. These documents safeguard the essentials of our faith, while allowing a range of opinion on other things.

Our leaders


Our priest, Fr. Peter C. Schellhase, came to St. Michael’s in 2021. Father Schellhase is dedicated to proclaiming the Word of God, administering the sacraments, and equipping people to know and follow Jesus. He is married to Erin, and they have three young children.

Fr. Schellhase is a graduate of Nashotah House Theological Seminary, and a member of the Society of Mary and the Guild of All Souls.


Our deacon, The Rev. Deacon Karen G. Malcolm, has served St. Michael’s in that role since her ordination to the diaconate, and is a longstanding member and leader of this parish. She assists our priest, especially in the areas of worship and pastoral care. Deacon Karen is married to David, and they have two adult children.

Parish Administrator

Kathleen Prue

Our Officers and Vestry members are lay leaders, elected by the congregation and responsible for the business of the church.


Kathy Di Sisto

Parish Clerk

Linda Gordiman


Bev Miller

Vestry members

2024 2025 2026
Trudy Thomas-Smith Kathy Di Sisto Lynne Long
Sue Decker April Austin Dave Unverhau
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